Natasha Khullar Relph

Natasha Khullar Relph is a freelance journalist and founder of The Wordling, a business newsletter for writers. She is passionate about helping people create secure financial futures doing what they love.

Articles by Natasha Khullar Relph

A bad credit score can limit your options when it comes to refinancing your car loan. But it's not impossible. Here's everything you need to know.
Auto Refinance
It’s not uncommon to take out a car loan only to discover you’re paying too much in interest, and there are better options out there. Here’s everything you’ll need to know about timing it right.
Auto Refinance
If you have a good credit score and a high income, an upside-down car loan refinance could help you get a new loan with a lower interest rate.
Auto Refinance
A car loan refinance can get you a lower interest rate on your existing auto loan and even reduce your monthly payments. If you qualify for refinancing, it can help you save money and get out of debt faster.
Auto Refinance
Refinancing is one of the best ways to lower your monthly payments or save a significant sum on interest over the life of your loan. Here’s everything you need to know about how to refinance a car loan.
Auto Refinance
A high-yield savings account is one of the best tools for reaching your short-term financial goals.
Learn how to choose a high-yield savings account based on your personal finance goals. Interest rates, fees, terms, and more. Here's what you need to know.
Here’s what high-yield savings and money market accounts are, and how to determine which option is best for you.
If your short-term goals require immediate funds, a personal loan can be a reliable option. Here's what you need to know.

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